My Galaxy Wiki

Elsor, originally called Genesia, also known as the Galactic Center or simple the Capital, is a planet located in the Core Worlds. For most of galactic history, Elsor has been known as the most important planet in the galaxy in terms of politics and economics. It is also home to the Grand Senate of Elsor, the governmental center of the Galactic Alliance of Free Worlds. While the Grand Senate controlled the Alliance, Elsor itself was ruled by the local Elsor Council.


Elsor has a diameter of 14,627 km and is around 16,000 light-years from the Galactic Core. It is home to a multitude of humanoid life including a large population of Humans. The rocky surface of the planet has been mostly covered up by urbanization over the last 20,000 years and is home to very few native fauna, even less flora. What little of the surface that is unscathed has been built into tourist destinations or district parks. The towering Sanctuary Mountains in the North Reach district attract a lot of attention as it is the only mountain range on the planet. The mountains are mostly hollowed-out and made into thousands of homes, businesses, and resorts.

Elsor does not contain any surface water however around 100 miles underneath the planet's crust lies an abundant layer of water which is collected by large drilling companies and purified for drinking and other uses.
