My Galaxy Wiki

Hybona was a large terrestrial planet in the Mid-Rim's Distrel sector, located in the Egorast system. It was the homeworld of the Hybonian species.

For most of its history, Hybona was a member of the galactic governments based from Elsor, including the Alliance of Free Worlds. During the Hyperspace War, Hybona was the site of a great battle between the Third Galactic Republic and the Vulteran Empire. The wreckage of the Rydo Viper, an Interstellar-class Republican flagship lost during the conflict, was located on the planet's surface north of the capital city Peladoo.

Astrographical Information

Hybona was located in the Distrel sector of the Mid-Rim, at the endpoint of the Adilean Subroute. It was the third planet from its star, Baud, in the Egorast system which it rotated around once every 68 days. The planet was tidally locked, its rotation period equal to its revolution period around Baud.

Climate and Terrain

Hybona's climate was extreme, either hot or frigid. The side of the planet facing Baud sustained high temperatures of around 55 degrees Celsius, and because of a thinner temperature the air was dry, causing difficulty for some species to breathe. This region was susceptible to "dust hurricanes" as offworlders call them, known by the Hybonians as ran'af fel. Dust hurricanes were created when hot air mixed with freezing wind in the border mountains surrounding the habitable zone. This mixture of extreme temperatures cause a wind storm, which gathers dust and sand as it moves inland, eventually losing energy after a time. Although these storms were dangerous, most settlements on Hybona were constructed closer towards the center of the habitable zone where it was the warmest. List most tidally-locked planets, the frigid wasteland on the dark side of Hybona was mostly untouched and uninhabited, with exception to the mining operations done between 700-350 B.W. by the Distrel Mining Authority.

The terrain on Hybona was comprised of sandy deserts and red grass plains dotted with yellow loilada flowers. There were large hills and mounds of rock amongst the landscape with only a few mountain ranges, with exception to the mountainous regions bordering the habitable zone. Among the plains and hills were forests of green-leaved expanse trees, namely the Yonucan Forest in the northern reaches of the Phija'lol continent.

There were five continents on Hybona: Akvi'dol, Feryalo, Phija'lol, Sept'leel and Kilmajo Island. Most of the world's inhabitants lived in Phija'lol, a large landmass at the center of the habitable zone, where the capital of Hybona was located. Between the cities of Peladoo and Duporondo on Phija'lol lied the wreckage of the Rydo Viper.
